Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sellwood, Oregon, Carrara and Bernardon Residence and Neighborhood.

 At the time of this posting, the Black Cat Tavern is no longer around in Sellwood, Portland, Oregon at the intersection of SE Umatilla St., and SE 13th Ave.  

This was George Albert Carrara's "watering hole" - where he would go enjoy a drink after work.  At the time he could take my mother, his youngest daughter, Arlene Francis Carrara with him to enjoy a Shirley Temple drink at the bar next to him. 

Here is a webpage from the "Bee" newspaper regarding the tearing down of the Black Cat Tavern in 2013 and a bit of its history (Hopefully the link is intact after being posted as of the date of this entry). 
This is the residence of George Albert and Juliette Bernardon Carrara at 1325 SE Sherrett Street, in Sellwood, Portland, Oregon.  Both photographs were taken circa 2012.

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